Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A few updates

I know I haven't been updating this blog much this year but I really haven't been receiving many things to review for a few reasons.

Reason number 1 is because of Covid-19.  Not many things have been going through the Canadian border and a lot of companies are either closed or not shipping to Canada so not many physical products have been coming to my house.  Luckily enough now with technology, some of the movies I get right now to review are all streaming online so at least I have a few things that I have been able to review. 

Reason 2 is that in March we found out that we are moving. Really we should have the house on the market right now but we are told to wait so that is what we are doing.  We are supposed to be at our new location by July 13th but right now I believe that will change to later this year so because of the fact that we don't know when we will be able to move, I can't really accept many future products unless I know they will arrive at my house fairly quickly.  
Speaking of moving, I have a few ideas snd I would love to review more home products (i.e. home decor, appliances, and such). I am thinking of also doing more food-related posts.   I do have a few ideas so stay tuned to this blog for all the changes I have planned.  Not sure when they will happen but I am hoping before the end of this year.

Anyway,  I hope you are all well.

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