This all-new animated series from Warner Bros. Animation and Blue Ribbon Content follows DC’s popular comic book character John Constantine (voiced by the live-action series star Matt Ryan), a seasoned demon hunter and master of the occult. Armed with an arcane knowledge of the dark arts and a wicked wit, he fights the good fight. With his soul already damned to hell, he’ll do whatever it takes to protect the innocent. With the balance of good and evil on the line, Constantine uses his skills to face the supernatural terrors that threaten our world and send them back where they belong. After that, who knows…maybe there’s hope for him and his soul after all.
Executive produced by David S. Goyer (The Dark Knight trilogy, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Constantine [live action series], Krypton), Greg Berlanti (The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl), and Sarah Schechter (Blindspot, Riverdale, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow), the series,which will premiere on CW Seed, is produced by Butch Lukic (Justice League Action, Batman Unlimited), written by J.M. DeMatteis (Justice League Dark, Batman vs. Robin) and directed by Doug Murphy (Justice League Action, Young Justice).
I don't really know Constantine's story other than from the tv show but I did like that show and yes I do like this animated movie. It is entertaining and both my husband and I liked the movie. The story was good, the voice acting was good.
This is one I know we will be watching again in the future.
I am giving this 4 out of 5 stars.
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