About Me

My name is Chantale and I am a 40-something Canadian. I have a 12 year old Cocker Spaniel/Poodle .

I love trying out new products and letting my readers know about the products I have tried.
I am a geek, a tv addict, a movie addict, a bookworm and a gamer.

I do not have any children so I do not review children's products much other than movies and tv shows that are family-oriented.


  1. How would I get you to have a book of mine reviewed? The book is available on kindle version and not doing that great since I am a self published Indie Author from a foreign country. So, I could do with a little help here. Thank you!

  2. You can email me at chantale@geekygirlreviewsblog.com

  3. Chantale. Thank you so much for the great review and feature of Leon's Lair today. Hope you have a fun Halloween. I hope no kids come to my house tonight. I didn't buy any candy because I'm on a diet and afraid I would eat it myself.
