Friday, June 29, 2012

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment's Own The Moments Mobile App review and Fantastic Mr. Fox, The / Robots Double Feature DVD giveaway

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment has released a new app for movie lovers, Own The Moments, available today on iPhone and Android. The mobile app allows fans to get a daily movie moment featuring trivia and a clip or photo from one of Fox’s most notable films from the classics to today’s biggest new releases. Fans can then share, like and comment on the movie moment with their friends. 

Download the app now to see what today’s moment is !

Some of the featured clips presented in the app are intended for a mature audience of 17 and over.

Official site:

On Facebook:

I was playing around on this app on my phone last night after I was asked to post my opinion of it and do the giveaway.  I don't usually use apps like this on my smart phone but I figured what do I have to lose?
Anyways I really enjoyed this app. With this app you get daily movie moment featuring trivia and a clip or photo so if you are a movie buff like me you will enjoy this app.

The Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My favourite movie moment is in When Harry Met Sally, the fake orgasm scene in the restaurant. The next line being "I'll have what she is having. " Priceless!

  2. My Favorite Movie Moment is from Dirty Dancing. When Patrick Swayze says his Classic phrase that he's known for : "Nobody puts Baby in the corner!"

  3. My favorite movie moment has to be when we saw ET in the theaters wayback when LOL.. I remember balling my eyes out when ET go home hahaha..

  4. My favorite movie moment is when superman flies around the world reversing time to bring lois lane back to life.

  5. My favorite movie moment is the dance at the end of Dirty Dancing. My all time favorite movie!

    breej23 at hotmail dot com

  6. My favorite movie moment is the final dance in dirty dancing .. It is a classic

