Saturday, June 29, 2013

It's a Boy! Victoria Pade (book review)

In her latest Camdens of Colorado story, USA TODAY bestselling author Victoria Pade introduces readers to a suddenly single father—and the woman who might be his perfect match, if they can get past  their feuding familes! 

Lang Camden has the daddy of all dilemmas! He just found out he's a dad…of a rambunctious two-year-old. He's now the sole guardian of said toddler and he's never pulled diaper duty in his life! What's a man to do? 

Enter Heddy Lanrahan, the widowed baker who's as luscious as her cheesecakes. Lang's on a mission to help her business, and Heddy willingly lends a helping hand with his child. The chemistry between them is off the charts—but the history between their two families is complicated, and if Heddy lets herself love this man and his little boy, she could lose everything. Is it a risk she's willing to take… for love?


I used to read a lot (and I really mean a lot) of Harlequin books but for the past few years I haven't been reading as many for some reason. Not because they aren't any good. Most are but I guess I have just been too busy reading books from my to be read pile or have been reading books to review that I just haven't had time to read many of these books.  

Anyways,  It's A Boy! by Victoria Pade is very well written and I couldn't put it down. This is one of the best Harlequin books I have read in a very long time. This books is a short and easy read that will get you craving cheesecake. Well I love cheesecake and while reading this book I was craving some.

This book isn't out yet but expected publication is July 23rd 2013 so after that day you should look for this book in your local bookstores or online. 

I give this 4 out of 5

*I have received this ebook for free for my honest reviews*

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