From the creators of Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda comes a hilarious “fun-fueled family adventure” (Bill Bregoli, CBS Radio News) that proves no dream is too big...and no dreamer too small. When an ordinary snail named Turbo acquires the power of super-speed, his life kicks into overdrive! With the help of a struggling taco stand owner and a streetwise snail crew, Turbo will attempt to race in the Indy 500 and make all their dreams come true.
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What a cute movie! The graphics are fantastic and acting are as well. This movie is cute and fun.I really didn't expect to enjoy this movie but it is fantastic and there were a few parts that got me laughing.
This is a great movie to watch with your children and you will also enjoy it as much as your children will.
I give this 5 out of 5
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